Work, 2008–2010

Ion Grigorescu
Communication; theatre.

Communicating, theatre, working, hiding oneself; the image is betraying: if I raise a hand with a hammer, might be only theatre, working may be imitated without work being done, somebody else working and me posing with utensils.
Could this mask be removed? Could be something truthful, or all is factice (artificial)?
The confusion between communicating and definition of art, and, through definition, configuring the artists’ guild. Those from guild know they are making art, others who don’t know the language of art can pass away without even seeing that art is happening, and vice-versa, the artist can think that the worker is expressing himself, has an unconscious relationship with his tool.
Hiding himself, being without the public. Really working.

Ion Grigorescu, “Work”, 2008–2010, 1:20. Photo film made by Emil, Ion, Maria Grigorescu

Ion Grigorescu


Ion Grigorescu was one of the first Romanian conceptual artists and advocates of anti-art, postulating a radical consolidation of artistic activities with quotidian life. Member of Prolog group. Works include the snapshot series Election Meeting (1975), the films Dialogue with Ceauşescu (1978), and Post-mortem Dialogue with Ceauşescu (2007). Participated, among others, in documenta 12 and the Venice Biennale.

Suggested Citation

Grigorescu, Ion. 2020. “Work, 2008–2010.” Sandra Frimmel, Tomáš Glanc, Sabine Hänsgen, Katalin Krasznahorkai, Nastasia Louveau, Dorota Sajewska, Sylvia Sasse (eds.). 2020. Doing Performance Art History. Open Apparatus Book I. DOI:


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