Archive Cultivation

Zofia Kulik
Zofia Kulik, “The Archive Cultivation”, 2016, 15:07, editing: Michal Januszaniec.


Between 1971–87 Zofia formed with Przemysław Kwiek the duo KwieKulik, one of the most important groups of the Polish neo-avantgarde. They carried through countless performances, interventions and artistic demonstrations, as well as creating objects, films and photographs. The duo set up an independent gallery in their apartment called the Studio of Activities, Documentation and Propagation (PDDiU), including an archive of Polish art from the 1970s and 80s. Since 1987 she has been working individually, creating black-and-white multiple exposure photographs, objects, installations and films. Participated, among many other exhibitions, in the 47th Venice Biennale (1997) and documenta 12 (2007) .

Suggested Citation

Kulik, Zofia. 2020. “Archive Cultivation.” Sandra Frimmel, Tomáš Glanc, Sabine Hänsgen, Katalin Krasznahorkai, Nastasia Louveau, Dorota Sajewska, Sylvia Sasse (eds.). 2020. Doing Performance Art History. Open Apparatus Book I. DOI:


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